Vaccine implications in workers’ compensation

September 9, 2021

vaccine blog
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By Max Koonce, chief claims officer

As the battle against COVID-19 rages on, vaccinations have become a front-line conversation.

The workers’ compensation implications must be addressed, as there aren’t yet any specific laws or court decisions that can guide COVID-19 vaccine-related situations like adverse reactions to this vaccine. As employers encourage or require employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, they will need to evaluate the needs and interests of the company along with the best interest of their employees while ensuring a safe and productive work environment. As for workers’ compensation, the legal determination as to whether an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 vaccination is covered or not will depend on the factual details of the specific claim within the particular state jurisdiction.

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Tags: Casualty, coronavirus, COVID fear + fatigue, COVID-19, Resilience + Readiness, Trends + Transformation, vaccination, Vaccine, workers' comp, Workers' compensation