

O último CAT

July 25, 2024

Wildfire rages on in Jasper

A fast-moving wildfire in the Canadian Rockies has caused devastating damage to the town of Jasper and the surrounding Jasper National Park, causing 25,000 people to flee the area. Efforts to contain the fire continue as of Thursday.

Because taking care of people is at the heart of everything we do, know that we’ll be here when you need us.

Estamos aqui para o apoiar

Sedgwick is ready to assist you at any time, with teams on standby for any emergency. We provide customized repair, restoration and mitigation services through our network of certified contractors and offer temporary housing options immediately after a catastrophe and during the repair process. In addition, we specialize in loss adjusting services, building consulting, contents and inventory solutions, forensic advisory services, engineering and more – all the expert resources you need during a catastrophe and every other day of the year. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our property team.


Os nossos especialistas estão aqui para si e prontos para responder a uma gama completa de eventos CAT em todo o mundo:

  • Terramotos
  • Inundações
  • Tempestades de granizo
  • Furacões
  • Ações de massa
  • Pandemia
  • Responsabilidade pelo produto
  • Recolha de produtos
  • Motins/agitação civil
  • Exposições de responsabilidade de terceiros
  • Tornados
  • Erupções vulcânicas
  • Incêndios florestais
  • Tempestades de vento


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