Anti-bribery and anti-corruption
Sedgwick has a reputation for conducting our business with the highest ethical standards.
Among our comprehensive suite of business ethics policies are anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies. We have training and compliance measures in place to ensure that colleagues follow our policies and the law.
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies
Our anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies are included in our code of conduct and outline what behaviors are not permitted as they relate to offering or receiving cash, gifts, kickbacks and political contributions. Each year, we ask colleagues to confirm that they have read, understood and accepted our code of conduct. In addition, we ask colleagues to disclose any conflicts of interest as part of an annual questionnaire. Colleagues are also able to update their disclosures at any point during the year.
As with all our business ethics policies, we monitor compliance with our anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies on an ongoing basis. We also provide opportunities for colleagues to report behavior that goes against our ethical standards. Through our colleague ethics line, colleagues can anonymously report concerns about activity that is or might be unethical, illegal, fraudulent, dishonest or questionable. Without exception, all concerns are taken seriously and are independently reviewed.
Ethics and compliance training
In 2023, we launched a global ethics and compliance training module to all colleagues, including a role-based module. As with all our other training modules and associated policies, these were accessible in all languages. We developed these training modules by working in close collaboration with key stakeholders across the business to ensure policies and training are appropriate across different jurisdictions.